Petteri Hautamaa / WWF

Meijeren Karp is a Green Finance Advisor at WWF-NL. Avital leads the impact and safeguards for WWF-NL’s role in the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development. She is a highly social sustainability professional and aims to make sustainability easier and more fun for everyone. Experienced working in conservation, consulting and sustainable finance and moved by indigenous rights, inclusive conservation and environmental justice. Prior to her time at WWF, Avital worked with business and human rights compliance for a leading Dutch bank as well as in various consultancy roles (focusing on CSR, human rights, and sustainability strategy).

Lees alle blogs van Avital

Luis Barreto / WWF-UK

Financial institutions must address deforestation and conversion risks

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Petteri Hautamaa / WWF

The hidden nature-related risks investors need to know about and collectively act on

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Martin Harvey / WWF

New climate hero

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