Working with companies for more nature
This isn't just about saving a panda or a rainforest. This is about a liveable earth. The solution is more nature: more blue, more green, more colour.
More nature, starting today
Nature loss and climate change are affecting life on earth today, not least ourselves. To bring it to a halt it, we are mainly told what we need less: consume less; emit less CO2. But that's just one side of the story. The other side is not about less: it's about more. We need more nature, and that starts today.
Be one with nature
More and more companies are joining the fight and opting for more nature, embedding it in their company objectives, policies and supply chain. The realisation is dawning: saving nature means saving ourselves - we are part of nature.
Join us: be one with nature

With our Business Partners, we are actively working to achieve a greener earth.
Our Planet: Our Business
Find out why businesses have a crucial role in saving our world.
This is what we achieved in 2023
Once again last year, we achieved great things for nature, thanks to the support of hundreds of companies, among other things. Our ambassador Art Rooijakkers looks back on 2023. Would you like to know what else we achieved?
Current campaigns

New: Symbolic WWF shoe box
Order the symbolic shoebox from WWF! You will receive a mini shoebox containing a WWF keychain in the shape of a shoe. This shows your relations that you are committed to more nature and a smaller footprint.
The latest news
Read news, blogs & research
Bossenwet blijft overeind, wel jaar uitstel
Bossenwet blijft overeind, wel jaar uitstel(2)
European Business & Biodiversity Forum 2024: Van beter doen naar doen wat de natuur nodig heeft
Albert Heijn en WWF bundelen krachten om ecologische voetafdruk voedselsysteem in 2030 te halveren
United for more nature
Nature is disappearing at an alarming rate. Every minute, we lose forested areas the size of 30 football pitches. In the space of 50 years, wildlife populations have declined by 69 percent. For a liveable earth, we need more nature, as quickly as possible. And we can do it, if we choose to work together.