Become a Business Supporter
Join WWF's mission and support us structurally. Together, we are committed to putting a stop to nature loss before 2030.
WWF fights for an earth that remains liveable. We need more nature for that because more nature means less climate change. So we must switch from nature loss to nature gain, as quickly as possible.
But no one can change the world alone. That's why we can really use your help. You can be a Business Supporter from € 250 per month. Choose whether you want to finance projects in the Netherlands, Brazil or around the world.
Support the theme that suits your company

Nature in our own country
It is not only nature on the other side of the world that needs our help. The consequences of the climate crisis are also increasingly felt on Dutch soil. The solution is more nature.
If we give rivers more space, we will be more resilient to flooding. If we plant more trees and shrubs on agricultural land, CO2 will be absorbed and biodiversity can be restored. So help us build a safer Netherlands with more nature.

Restore rainforests
Forests keep the earth liveable. They provide food, clean drinking water and are essential in the fight against climate change. Trees store CO2 in their trunk and roots. When forests are cut down or burned down, that CO2 is released , and that, in turn, causes more global warming.
In other words, forests are indispensable. But we are losing them at an alarming rate. Deforestation has already destroyed half of all forests worldwide. It's time for action.

Global conservation
General support is essential for our work. We can use it where it is needed most. As the largest nature conservation organisation in the world, we make an impact in more than 200 regions, from South American forests to Asian coral reefs, from African nature reserves to the Arctic.
Worldwide, we are out in the fields protecting and restoring nature.
Business Supporter benefits
By consistently supporting WWF, you contribute to more nature and bring our mission for a nature-positive world by 2030 one step closer. As a company, you can also further align with your core values or sustainability strategy. Aa Business Supporter of WWF, you will receive:
Comms & Events
- Use our logo and communication toolkit
- Access to the network, sustainability tips, and ways to engage employees
Attend the annual Business Supporter event
Join WWF events such as the New Year's reception
Annual report on the chosen theme
Accountability of our mission in the annual report
Receive our business newsletter four times a year
Appropriate welcome gift (varies)
- Subscription to one of the WWF magazines