Investing in green projects
Business can make a difference to our efforts to create a sustainable, greener world - by investing in projects that create more nature.
Green investing is a win-win situation. Half of the world economy is highly dependent on nature. Increasing loss of nature means an increasing risk of production loss for companies. In other words, sustainable investing is not only good for our planet, but also important for the profits financial institutions and companies hope to make.
WWF helps institutions and companies that want to invest more sustainably. We do this through the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) and Mobilising More for Climate (MoMo4C). With DFCD, we support projects from large companies, and MoMo4C mainly focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Featured: DFCD
DFCD invests in projects aimed at climate adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. This fund helps the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems become more resilient to the consequences of climate change. With the help of financial institutions and other major investors, DFCD hopes to redirect the billions in circulation in the global economy from projects that cause nature loss to initiatives that create more nature.
Would you like to know more, or are you already convinced and would you like to make greener investments? Please contact our colleagues who work on these funds: Jaap de Jong for DFCD or Shephard Zonde for MoMo4C.

t: +31623553005

t: +31611508321