Albert Heijn

Together, WWF and Albert Heijn aim to halve the footprint of the Dutch food system.

Our food system is the largest cause of nature loss worldwide. Rainforests are being cleared to make way for fields full of cattle and soy intended for animal feed. The way we produce and consume our food is unsustainable. We must switch to a food system that is in balance with nature. That is why WWF and Albert Heijn have been working together since July 1, 2022. Together, we aim to halve the footprint of the Dutch food system by 2030. We hope that all supermarkets in our country will adopt this strategy eventually.

United for sustainable food

Groenteafdeling supermarkt

Kari Schnellmann / WWF-Switzerland

What we do

WWF and AH share a mission to make sustainably produced, healthy and affordable food available to everyone, which is not only good for nature, but also for consumers' health and wallets.

To achieve this, we need a change to the entire production chain, from farm to fork. As the largest supermarket in our country, Albert Heijn has influence on this chain. And with WWF's knowledge about the effect of food production on nature, we can change the system from within.

What we hope to achieve

This scientifically based strategy can be used in the future by all supermarkets in the Netherlands. We are focusing on the long term. For example, we developed a monitoring system supermarkets can use to measure the effects of their measures. This is how we hope to tackle the climate and nature crisis together and to inspire and motivate the entire industry to take action.

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