/ Juergen Freund / WWF


Het Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) financiert projecten gericht op klimaatadaptie- en mitigatie in ontwikkelingslanden.

Door te investeren in groene projecten worden de meest kwetsbare gemeenschappen en ecosystemen weerbaarder tegen de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. En dat is hard nodig. Want juist in de minst ontwikkelde landen is de klimaatcrisis het meest voelbaar.

DFCD investeert in rendabele projecten met een positieve impact op klimaatadaptie en natuurherstel in Afrika, Azië en Latijns-Amerika. WWF-NL richt zich op het identificeren en ondersteunen van projecten zodat zij investeerders kunnen aantrekken en zo kunnen opschalen.

WWF / Simon Rawles

Wat is DFCD?

DFCD is opgericht in 2019 na een toezegging van € 160 miljoen van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het consortium bestaat uit WWF, ontwikkelingspartner SNV, Financierings-maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden (FMO) en Climate Fund Managers (CFM).

Inmiddels is er meer dan € 1,3 miljard aan publieke en private gelden opgehaald voor onze groeiende portefeuille aan natuurlijke oplossingen. Het streven is om voor 2027 de € 2 miljard te bereiken. 

Zo werkt DFCD

Stap 1

Samen met SNV zoekt WWF veelbelovende projecten op het gebied van landbouw, bosbouw, water en milieubescherming uit. Hierbij zijn biodiversiteit, gendergelijkheid en sociale inclusie belangrijke pijlers

Stap 2

We zorgen voor technische en financiële ondersteuning zodat de initiatieven kunnen uitgroeien tot gezonde en robuuste projecten.

Stap 3

Wanneer de projecten een solide basis hebben, kunnen ze grootschalige financiering aanvragen bij FMO voor land(bouw)projecten of bij CFM voor waterprojecten

Waarom is DFCD belangrijk?

Om de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering het hoofd te kunnen bieden, moeten we bedrijven gaan financieren die rekening houden met natuur en biodiversiteit. Helaas zien we dit soort bedrijven en initiatieven nog te weinig. En als ze bestaan, ontbreekt het vaak aan goede ondersteuning.

Het doel van WWF is om voor 2030 natuurverlies te stoppen. Hiervoor is het noodzakelijk om internationale geldstromen anders te investeren. DFCD wil het voor beleggers makkelijker maken om duurzamer te investeren. Zo kunnen we hopelijk samen het tij keren.

Inspirerende verhalen en resultaten

DFCD is een internationaal initiatief, daarom zijn de updates in het Engels.

Financoop - DFCD-supported project in Ecuador

DFCD receives €40m top-up for climate adaptation projects in vulnerable countries

Tropical storms, floods, extreme drought and forest fires – across Africa, Asia and South America, the effects of climate change are an increasingly visible reality. Adapting to its effects is essential, but also requires action: collaboration from multiple stakeholders - global, local, public and private – as well as a steep rise in the mobilization of finance. In fact, an estimated $700 billion more a year necessary to reverse nature loss by 2030.
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Improving WASH systems across East Africa with innovative waste-to-energy management plants

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development intends to partner with Sanivation to improve faecal waste management in Kenya and East Africa.
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Making Bamboo Bankable: DFCD-funded PT Indobamboo on track to scale up

In 2021, PT Indobamboo Lestari was granted €350,000 in technical support from the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) to expand their operations in manufacturing bamboo products and to help graduate the company through to the Investment Facility phase of the DFCD programme. Now, two years on, Stuart Beavis, the DFCD Regional Lead for Asia, has visited their facility on Bali to see first-hand the progress made and to assist with the business plan and Financial Model that will be presented to the FMO Investment Facility.
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Matthieu Paley

Developing pulp mill to recycle biomass waste into degradable tableware in Pakistan

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development intends to partner with Ranipur Biomass Limited to develop a unique pulp facility in the Indus Delta in Southern Pakistan.
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Global Warming Images / WWF

“Businesses in emerging markets are key in moving the needle to improve climate resilience”

The WWF DFCD team is happy that after a transition period Jaap de Jong can now fully dedicated himself to his role as the new program manager. In this short blog he shares his passion for engaging business as a force for good.
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The DFCD helps prepare Kenyan agribusiness to scale-up

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Cinch Markets, a Kenyan agricultural land management company that unlocks the potential of smallholder farmers’ land.
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Courtesy de Conexión / ICCO Cooperation

DFCD supports producer of natural colourants in saving the forest in Colombia

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Colorquimica, a manufacturer and distributor of colourants for different industries in Colombia.
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DFCD grants support for ginseng grower that helps Vietnamese communities out of poverty

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for SamSam, a Vietnamese ginseng grower seeking to scale up its production in one of the country’s poorest regions.
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Developing a solar-powered desalination facility in Cambodia

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development has approved grant support for Desolenator to help develop an innovative desalination facility to produce purified water from seawater in Cambodia.
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WWF-Vietnam / Denise Stilley

Transforming the local forest industry in Central Vietnam

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) intends to partner with wood manufacturer QNAFOR to scale up sustainable forestry plantations in Vietnam’s Central Annamites that will provide farmers with a better and more climate-resilient income.
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Andre Dib / WWF-Brazilië

DFCD supports Brazil nut production in Amazon region

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Amazonas SA, a leading Bolivian company pioneering the processing of Brazil nuts harvested by local communities in the Amazon forest.
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DFCD partners with local financier of small-scale climate-smart investments in Ecuador

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Financoop, a cooperative financial institution in Ecuador that develops a sustainable credit line for its cooperative members to encourage sustainable agriculture.
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Jürgen Freund / WWF

The DFCD supports freshwater fish hatchery in Pakistan

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has intend to contract grant support for Aquahatch developing a freshwater ecosystem in Pakistan.
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The DFCD takes new step by investing in South African agricultural fund

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Restore Africa Fund (RAFF), which invests directly in conservation and regenerative agriculture in South Africa.
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The DFCD supports sustainable animal feed production from food waste in Africa

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Chanzi, a producer of sustainable animal feed protein in East and Southern Africa.
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Indian NaturaYuva is on a mission to grow commercially medicinal and aromatic plants

Indian company NaturaYuva transforms conventional farms on degraded land into organic agroforestry farms to grow high-quality medicinal and aromatic plants.

Arko Chatterjee saw a great market opportunity while working as a senior commercial executive of one of the world’s largest agronomic companies. He shares with us his many reasons for founding NaturaYuva.
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First WWF DFCD team meeting in person!

During its first in-person global meeting, the WWF DFCD aligned with fund manager FMO, took the next step in collaborating with Hivos-Triodos Fund and got to know each other better.
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DFCD supports collection of native ingredients by local communities in Brazil

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved grant support for Concepta Ingredients, a Brazilian company that processes forest fruits and vegetal ingredients collected by traditional communities.
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Keiron Brand / WWF

DFCD prepares proposal for new EU funding

During the past six months, under the leadership of FMO, the DFCD consortium has been working hard to shape its plans to replenish the fund. We are finalising a proposal for the EU. We are happy with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in our efforts to secure this EU funding.
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Sandy Zebua / Unsplash

Evaluation report shows important successes and learnings for the DFCD

How is the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) performing and how can it improve? Fundmanager FMO commissioned Itad, a leading company in monitoring and evaluation for development, to find answers to that question.
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Ian Isherwood - WWF Kenya

WWF’s DFCD Africa team does their first in-country visit, to Kenya

With Covid-19 travel restrictions being lifted almost across the globe, the WWF’s DFCD Africa team was finally able to travel to Kenya. Gillian Trollope, junior advisor DFCD Africa, about their journey past the local WWF office and various project teams.
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DFCD deal flow accelerating midway through the project

With its Origination Facility, the fund’s deal engine, in full flow, the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) is now setting its sights on extending its mandate to finance as many promising climate-adaptation projects as possible.
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Milos Bicanski / WWF-UK

DFCD @ Cop 2021: Entrepreneurs on the ground are the real deal amid blah, blah, blah

A lot of promising speeches and panels came out of COP 2021: but what about actions? What are we currently realizing on the ground? The DFCD is showing how grants can make a huge impact.
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The DFCD partners with Ugandan Mandulis Energy to support waste-to-energy project

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved a €349,000 grant for Mandulis Energy to help create a closed loop of agricultural waste to clean energy to power the company’s agricultural processing facilities.
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Adam Oswell / WWF-Greater Mekong

WWF DFCD seals groundbreaking partnership to reverse degradation of Mekong Delta

The World Wide Fund for Nature and the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) seal a groundbreaking partnership to reverse the degradation of the Mekong Delta in Southern Vietnam and to improve farmers’ income and resilience by introducing an integrated model to produce rice and shrimps.
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Martin Harvey / WWF

DFCD partners with Zambian cane sugar grower to make its irrigation climate-smart

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved a €180,000 grant for KASCOL, Zambia’s oldest cooperative of sugar growers, to conduct the environmental, social and technical assessments to install drip irrigation.
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PT Indobamboo Lestari

DFCD supports Indonesian PT Indobamboo Lestari to get ready to build factory to manufacture FSC-certified bamboo products

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved a €350,000 grant for PT Indobamboo Lestari to hire the technical support needed to set up a factory to manufacture bamboo products on the island of Flores in Indonesia.
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DFCD supports Humankind Group to develop biomass plants that recycles agricultural waste into green energy and biofertilizer in India

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved a €350,000 grant for Humankind Group (HKG) as part of a €1.5 million development package to prepare for the construction of two biomass plants in India.
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Peter Chadwick / WWF

Building a bankable nature-based solution from scratch in the Southern Drakensberg

WWF has been working for years with local stakeholders in the Southern Drakensberg to protect one of the country’s essential water-supplying landscapes. Our colleagues of the DFCD and WWF South Africa are now in the first design stage of developing a bankable project in the region to safeguard this crucial water source area and protect local livelihoods as the climate is changing.
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WWF / Simon Rawles

WWF’s DFCD Opportunity Window is gathering steam

In investing perhaps the vast majority of time is devoted to sourcing deals. That is why WWF launched the Opportunity Window. “To cast our net wider than the landscapes we’re working in”, says Aaron Vermeulen, WWF lead of the Origination Facility.
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Martin Harvey

Financial risk related to biodiversity loss: black swan or white rhino?

A recent article in the Economist asks whether large global systemic risks such as pandemics are so-called ‘black swan events’ – extreme events that take us by surprise – or if they are in fact large rhinos that wander around in plain sight. We know they are very dangerous; we just don’t know when they are going to charge at us.
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Ramon Sanchez Orense

The DFCD supports in carbon certification in Uganda

The investment committee for the origination facility of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has approved a EUR 279,001 grant and WWF technical assistance package for The New Forests Company (NFC) on August 20, 2020.
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